Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions All Year Long

If you’re anything like us, you had a New Year’s resolution or two. Hey, it seemed like a good idea at the time. For three of four blissful weeks, you drank green smoothies every morning, or maybe you woke up at 5 am, or you meditated before you went to bed. And then . . . what? It’s not exactly a secret that most resolutions are un-resolved by February 1st. But it doesn’t have to be that way this year.

Cut Yourself Some Slack
Almost everyone gives up on their New Year’s resolution, which means you’re nothing special. At any point in the year, whenever you realize you haven’t been doing as well as you hoped you would be, you can forgive yourself and re-commit. The truth is, January 1 isn’t a magical date that suddenly gives us the ability to change things up. It’s just the day you decided you were going to try a little harder. Why not make that day tomorrow?

Write Down Your Resolution Somewhere You’ll See It Everyday
You might have already done this one back in January. If so, give yourself a high-five! You’re one step ahead of the game. For the rest of us: one of the biggest reasons we give up on our resolutions every year is because we forget what they were. You might have the time and energy to make a change, but if you don’t remember what you promised yourself at the beginning of the year, it’ll never happen. Putting your goal down in words, somewhere you can get used to seeing it every day, will help keep it at the front of your mind.

Pick a “Resolution Buddy”
You’re way more likely to follow through with something when you’re accountable to someone else. So once you’re finished reading this, send it to a buddy! Set a mini-goal every month and let your resolution buddy know how you’re doing. Schedule a time every month to hang out with a friend or talk to your partner about how you’re feeling about your resolutions.

Make a Motivation Mix
Instead of a vision board, create a playlist of songs that remind you of what you want to accomplish in the year. Listening to the right music can always help you regain your energy and motivation, no matter how long it’s been since you felt that way. If your resolution was to be more active, we’ve already got this one covered: check out our favorite workout mix here.

Give Yourself a Due Date
Sticking to a resolution can get pretty boring over the months, especially when the only reason you’re doing it is to brag to people at next year’s New Year’s Eve party about how well you stuck to your resolution. (Who wants to sit next to that guy?) Instead, find something to work towards. For example, if your resolution was to exercise twice a week, maybe sign up for The Color Run in your area this summer, and spend your two workouts a week preparing for your first 5k.
When we decided to make this year The Color Run Love Tour, we gave ourselves a few resolutions: this year was going to be about showing love to ourselves, each other, and the planet we all share. We can’t wait to share our resolutions with you!