Ready in Five Weeks with this 5k Training Schedule, Presented by 24 Hour Fitness

At The Color Run, you’ll see more first-time 5k runners than anywhere else. While you’re free to walk, skip, or twirl across the finish line, we love hearing stories of people who discovered their love of running while training for their first 5k with us.
If you want to be the one running full-speed through every color zone on race day, make sure you’re prepared! We teamed up with our friends at 24 Hour Fitness to put together a 5k training schedule for you.

To get a free 3 day trial at 24 Hour fitness to prep for The Color Run CLICK HERE.
Whatever your 5k training schedule looks like, remember that what matters most is staying happy and healthy. We don’t believe in timing our races. At The Color Run, the only person you’re competing against is yourself (and even then, only if you want to). Since we know that being active and having fun shouldn’t be two completely separate things, event day is about so much more than crossing the finish line. We hope you’ll stick around to spend time with friends and family, explore our finish festival, and join in the dance party. We can’t wait to see you on the Love Tour this year!